Find bellow a list of contributions from PROTECT’s participants (in chronological order):
- Monday 26 April, 11:05-11:10, Sebastian Simonsen – A machine learning approach for Greenland ice sheet altimetric mass balance
- Monday 26 April, 11:10-11:12, Inès Otosaka – Changes in Northwest Greenland Ice Sheet Elevation and Mass
- Monday 26 April, 13:39-13:41, Fiona Turner – Predicting the Antarctic sea level contribution to sea level rise with emulation
- Monday 26 April, 13:43-13:45, Chris Kittel – Diverging future surface mass balance between the Antarctic ice shelves and grounded ice sheet
- Thursday 29 April, 16:05-16:07, Caroline van Calcar – The effect of the GIA feedback loop on the evolution of the Antarctic Ice sheet over the last glacial cycle using a coupled 3D GIA – Ice Dynamic model
- Thursday 29 April, 16:11-16:13, Violaine Coulon – Impact of glacial isostatic adjustment on the long-term stability of the Antarctic ice sheet
- Friday 30 April, 09:21-09:23, Clara Burgard – An assessment of basal melting parameterisations for Antarctic ice shelves
- Friday 30 April, 13:44-13:46, Tamsin Edwards – Gaussian Process emulation of multi-model ice sheet and glacier projections
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