PROTECT is happy to welcome NORCE in the project consortium! Welcome to Heiko Goelzer who is taking part in the Scientific Steering Committee working in WP5 and with the clustering activities with ISMIP6, ISMASS and INSTANT.
NORCE Norwegian Research Centre AS (NORCE) was established in 2017 through a merger of the Norwegian research institutes Agderforskning AS, Uni Research AS, Teknova AS, International Research Institute of Stavanger AS and Christian Michelsen Research AS. NORCE has about 800 employees with an annual turnover of 1 billion NOK. The head office is in Bergen, Norway with branch offices in Stavanger, Kristiansand, Grimstad and Oslo. NORCE is a leading research institute with focus on research and innovation within climate, energy, health, environment, society and technology. NORCE runs its climate research through the department NORCE Climate and Environment with particular strengths in understanding climate dynamics across multiple spatial and temporal scales, dynamical modelling of the climate system and understanding past-future climate variability and change. The department has extensive experience coordinating and leading and contributing to large national and international projects (e.g. Norwegian Earth System Modelling Infrastructure project (INES), Ice2Ice Synergy Grant, and Ocean Thematic Centre of the ICOS ERIC). NORCE is one of four partners in the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research (BCCR) and a partner in the Norwegian Climate Service Centre. NORCE has a leading role in Norway for the use and further development of the Norwegian Earth System Model (NorESM), with expertise in global climate, atmosphere, ocean and ice sheet modelling, decadal prediction, regional downscaling and climate dynamics. It plays an instrumental role in delivering future Earth system model projections with NorESM to the CMIP6 project assessed in the last IPCC-AR6. NORCE is mainly involved in PROTECT WP-5.
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