The PROTECT paper #24 presents a typology of global decisions that require climate services, with examples in the coastal domain.
Here are the main findings:
- Climate services developed so far focus often on regional scales. Yet, some decisions have a global focus and require climate services as well, because:
- Increasing interconnections in the global financial system and supply chains expose private companies and financial institutions to climate risk in multiple locations in different world regions.
- multilateral decisions on greenhouse gas emission reduction targets, disaster risk finance or international migration could make use of global scale climate risk assessments.
- Based on interviews and a literature review, the study identifies 8 types of decisions that use global climate information.

- This study shows that global climate service development is more advanced for portfolio decisions taken by companies with experience in climate risk assessment, i.e., (re-)insurers
- However, many multilateral climate policy decisions are at an earlier stage of decision-making.
- Considering these different levels of maturity, this study suggests ways forward for supporting global (non-local) climate services for (coastal) adaptation
- Multilateral (and generally public) decisions, could benefit from scoping assessments, decision identification and research on the impacts of large scale global climate policies
- Portfolio (and largely private) decisions could benefit from continued co-development of global climate services responding to the specific decision contexts and knowledge gaps identified already.
- The PROTECT project contributes to this effort by codevelopping climate services with coastal adaptation stakeholders concerned with global to local scales, and ultimately by delivering new science on glaciers, ice sheets melting and sea-level rise
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