A policy briefing titled “Recent changes in the Antarctic and their impacts on Europe” has been organised in Brussels on the 3rd of May from 14:00 – 16:00. The recording is available here.
This event was organised by the EPB with Horizon2020-funded EU Polar Cluster projects SO-CHIC, EU-PolarNet 2 with TIPACCS, and PROTECT.
The event took place in the context of increasing pressure on the processes regulating ocean circulation, increased melting of Antarctic sea ice and ice shelves, and increasing scientific awareness of the importance of the region to Europe.
Our goal is to present relevant insights to European policy makers on the importance of the Southern Ocean and the Antarctic to Europe, for example, via potential input to sea level rise. We aim to highlight the accompanying implications for European policy and Antarctic research.
Frank Pattyn presented the policy-brief for PROTECT, thank you!
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